Jack Westman’s 476-page analysis of the human propensity for war is one of the more unusual contributions to the deluge of information on the world’s geopolitics. He is not a deal-making diplomat, a celebrity political pundit, or even a journalist. Instead, as a psychiatrist and academic, Westman has spent most of his last 65 years […]


For most of today’s 7.5 billion people, traditional medicines remain an integral part of their lives despite the continuing expansion of an already formidable modern healthcare system built on the principles of Western science and market forces. In Asia, home to 60% of the world’s population, there is a deeprooted belief that traditional medicines hold […]


They shared a common opposition to Beijing’s authoritarian rule, but the late Chinese dissident and human rights campaigner Liu Xiaobo was no separatist as he stood against Hong Kong’s independence advocates, according to a Canadian academic. Leo K. Shin, a University of British Columbia (UBC) historian and Hong Kong analyst, said Liu, who died of […]


A day after the April 26 launch of the Hong Kong Studies Initiative (HKSI) at Canada’s University of British Columbia (UBC), the Hong Kong police force stepped up its crackdown on China’s critics with the arrest of nine elected officials and independence promoters. A week later, three pro-democracy activists and former Hong Kong governor Chris Patten […]


With an unpredictable celebrity running the White House, the Middle East will soon be dealt another wild card: China as a player in the Israel-Palestine peace talks. Like Donald Trump who started the 2016 US presidential race as a 100-to-1 dark horse, China’s potential role in the world’s most protracted territorial dispute has barely registered […]